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FREE Workshop: Learn the secret to designing products people love!

Our Event
We all know Apple, Coca-Cola, and Starbucks as successful billion dollar companies. But what you may not know is that they share something important in common: they are all driven by a focus on great UX design! UX Design (short for User Experience Design) is the process of creating products that are built around the end-user’s needs. The idea is that if you create products that solve real pain points and are easy for customers to use, more customers will want to use them! During Ironhack’s workshop at Venture Cafe, we’ll teach you all the basic information you need to know about UX Design, and guide you through an exercise that puts your new learnings to the test!
Our discussion and workshop will focus on:
1. What is User Experience (UX)?
2. How do we “DESIGN” the User Experience?
3. Why is UX so important?
4. Who practices UX Design?
Following the discussion on UX Design, we’lll break out into groups to complete an exercise that puts all of our new learnings together! You’ll leave with a protoype of a mobile app that targets a real user’s pain points!
Our speaker
Maite Dalila is a UX Design Consultant with experience working on international projects for Mercedes, Regus, Tesco, Fortnum & Mason as well as many start ups.
Currently, she is a User Experience Designer at Kairos, a facial recognition start up, in Miami, FL.
At work, she develops UI requirements from concept to release. She defines features, user flows, and content. Her goal is to create enjoyable, seamless experiences.
Who should come
The principles behind UX design are applicable to any profession that works with people, or has people as the end consumer of a product or service. This means that anyone in marketing, business development, entrepreneurship, etc. (even doctors!) will leave with a valuable way of thinking to impact their approach to creating and providing.
In Ironhack’s UX Design course, we’ve seen students come from all sorts of backgrounds, including public policy, literary magazines, consulting, and graphic design. And they’ve all left with new skills that have made them more productive in the workplace.
Want to learn more?
Email the Ironhack team at for questions about the free workshop or our UX/UI Design course!

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