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Ironhack Open House

At Ironhack, our campus is always in Open House-mode. But a few times a year, we like to invite curious guests and dedicate all our undivided attention to the public.
The Ironhack Open House is meant to answer all your coding education questions. From what the experience is like, to how these skills can help you work from anywhere in the world, we’re here to demystify the nitty-gritty of the coding world.
The only prerequisite to attend is a curiosity to learn more about why Ironhack is changing students’ lives in Miami, Madrid and Barcelona.
Here’s what to expect:
A sample of our curriculum– We’ll walk you through a fun logic exercise that will give you a taste of the coding experience. Perfect for anyone who’d like to dip their toes into the coding waters!
Insight from our alumni– Ironhack graduates are always eager to speak to prospective students, or just people in the tech community in general. Find out what the course was like from them and what they were able to achieve afterwards.
One of our Ironhack Miami alums, Christina Douzmanian, credits Ironhack for her newfound dexterity, “Ironhack not only helped me in terms of having the basic skills needed for a development job, but they also put me in the community.”
Meet our career manager–  Find out what the post-Ironhack life is like as far as career placement. Our career manager, Daniel Brito helps our students through the resume crafting and job application processes that’ll land them their dream job after graduation.
A peek at past projects– The Ironhack courses end with a final project web application. Check out what our past students built INDIVIDUALLY with the material they learned in just eight weeks!
About Ironhack:
Ironhack is an international coding school that believes the best way to learn how to do something, is by actually doing it. This ideology is reflected in its teaching practices, which consist of immersive and part-time programming courses ranging from eight weeks to six months, aimed to equip students with the knowledge and tools of the latest web and mobile development technologies. Ironhack has three locations in Barcelona, Madrid and Miami.

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