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Miami GovJam (Global Design Thinking Event)

Looking to add a creative spark to your work or team? Join the GovJam, a global event where participants learn and apply innovation methods to the world of government and public life. The Miami GovJam is a unique professional development opportunity for government workers and all people passionate about civic life. This project-based, hands-on professional training teaches participants how to dramatically increase the efficacy of service delivery and customer satisfaction, while fostering innovation and teamwork within and outside of government. Miami GovJam is a chance to learn by doing: You will work in small teams to quickly design, build, and test solutions to public problems. By the end of the event you will know the fundamentals of customer-centric design, how to dramatically improve customer satisfaction, and how to design new services people really want. It’s for anyone who cares about their community: The Miami GovJam is open to all government employees, private sector and nonprofit professionals, artists, students, and anyone who cares about their community and wants to meet interesting people while building something awesome. Benefits of joining the Miami GovJam + Learn how to reduce and manage the risk and costs for any project. + Learn how to quickly conceive of a new service and get solid customer feedback. + Learn how to dramatically increase customer satisfaction. + Enhance your team-building and collaboration skills. + Experience hands-on learning and practice of design-thinking and creative skills. Build your creative confidence. + Make new friends and expand your professional and creative network. + Get rich and famous! Probably not, but you will have a great time! Ticket price includes breakfast, lunch, and supplies. For more information visit:

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